
Overall I think my project has taken an interesting journey. I have taken a lot of inspiration from  things I would not normally look at, which has resulted in my work becoming a lot more sophisticated, and my research being very in depth and strong. Taking my inspiration from a natural element made me realise I could turn something from the natural world into exciting inspiration for myself. However I need improvement when I am trying to translate my ideas into my fabrics as they can become diluted, and aren't as strong as my research is at times.

My aim to create high end fabrics I believe was achieved. I have combined a range or techniques and yarns that  allowed my fabrics to become more unique and made to a high quality then commercial fabrics. My use of fine yarns with delicate structures mean the appearance of my fabrics have a feminine quality making them evidently for women's fashion.

The project has benefited me as it built my confidence to work on new machines like the finer and chunkier gauges. I was also more confident to learn new techniques, and develop them in my own way to suite my ideas. I sourced my own yarns for this project which gave me a greater understanding in better quality yarns, and the price of yarns, which when designing for a client and sticking to a budget is very important.